Child Rape and Buggery in Pak-Afghan Cultural Society in the Eyes of Finkelhor’s Precondition Child Sexual Abuse Model With Special Reference to Hosseini’s Kite Runner and Pakistani Movie Bol
This paper explores the phenomenon of male rape in Pak-Afghan culture and exposes how the international community recognizes sexual violence against men. Khaled Hosseinie’s Kite Runner and Mansoor’s social drama movie Bol have been analyzed in order to demonstrate how men are included and excluded as dupes of sexual vehemency in disputes. The theoretical paradigms of male rape are embedded in Finkelhor’s Precondition Child Sexual Abuse Model (1984) has four preconditions: Motivation to sexual abuse, Overpowering internal inhibitors, Overwhelming external inhibitors and Overcoming the resistance of the child. It is essential to identify with gender stereotypes and anticipations of male and female in order to infer the occurrence of child rape, the under-reporting of child assault as well as the omitting of child assault. This scrutiny arouses imperative doubts about human rights and how assured souls become divested of their rights and their permissible fortification. There is a lack of numeral proof on child rape, although it is essential to classify the hypothetical ontogeny of child rape as a societal question as it hovers athwart the communal inquiry dialogue. Consequently, it is essential to look at this escalation because the existing bearing of the enquiry on child sexual assault has badgered forkings for how male ravishment is theorized. The distinctive types of sexual viciousness: force and predominance, feminization and undermining of the adversary are all associated with speculations of manliness and sex desires and how they can bring about sexual savagery and clarify the under-reporting of assault.
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