Beyond Orthodox Strategies: Managing Conflicts and Sustaining Peace Through Communal Ethics, Traditional Values and Methodsin Africa
The phenomenal rise in violent conflicts in Africa since the end of the Cold War has been an obstacle to peace and sustainable development. This paper observed that in spite of the proportionately high rate of resources expended on defence, internal strife and ethno-religious conflicts constitute features of most states in contemporary Africa. Much of the success of resolving and managing conflicts in Africa has been due in large part to the involvement of the international community. Through a variety of measures, from mediation,through sanctions to military interventions, many states in Africa have taken measures to bring an end to violence. Although this progress is laudable, the reality is that communal conflicts continue to ravage the continent. Despite the concerns surrounding international involvement in peace processes, this paper posits that the community of nations remains a necessary actor in managing conflicts and sustaining peace. Every African community has its own cultural strategies, institutions and values for monitoring, preventing, managing and resolving conflicts. The paper concludes that a homegrown peace approach within the context of communal ethics and traditional mechanisms should be incorporated in the methods of resolving conflicts and sustaining peace in contemporary Africa.
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