Current Status of Adolescents Parental Monitoring and Its Effects on Social Adjustment
With 1,162 middle school students as the participants, the questionnaire method is used to observe parental monitoring of adolescents and the relationship between parental monitoring of adolescents and social adjustment and Neuroticism is discussed. Results: (a) Parental monitoring of adolescents has significant differences in grade and gender: girls are significantly greater than boys in parental knowledge degree of adolescents; and in parental negative control of adolescents, boys are significantly greater than girls; but in autonomy granting, the gender difference is non-significant. What’s more, the tendency is shown on the three styles of parental monitoring that the higher the grade is, the lower the score is. (b) Parental monitoring of adolescents can be divided into democratic style, authoritative style and indulgent style, and the proportions of which adolescents are 38%, 30% and 32% separately. (c) The differences of adolescents under different types of parental monitoring on the eight styles of social adjustment reach the extremely significant level. (4) Neuroticism has significant regulating effects on the relationship between parental monitoring and adolescents’negative adjustment.
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