The Teacher as a Public Speaker in the Classroom
For classroom communication to be effective, the teacher needs to observe the principles of successful public speaking while also paying attention to rhetorical and linguistic knowledge. Since the role of the speaker in pedagogical speech alternates between the teacher and the student, the characteristics of the teacher’s speech in the classroom were described by comparing them to those of the student. In practice, the teacher’s share of speaking remains substantially higher than that of the students. The teacher must remain aware of how his role in pedagogical speech serves to organise and steer the learning process. As the teacher’s public speaking is mostly linked to what is known as “instructional speech”, special attention is paid to the characteristics of this. Instructional speech is a component of pedagogical speech with which the teacher communicates field-specific knowledge (by explaining, illustrating, posing instructional questions etc.), and through which students acquire new knowledge. The teacher’s instructional (specialised) speech is distinguished from everyday practical communication, a fact to be taken into account by the teacher when speaking publicly.
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