Water Management in Petra: Nabataean Hydraulic Overview
The study of Nabataean hydraulics has long been focused on the collection and distribution of water across the landscape and within the city of Petra. Traditionally, the collection, distribution and uses of water have been viewed from a purely practical standpoint: it is thought of as a resource, to be regulated and conserved and devoted to functional purposes. In his description of the Petra environment, the ancient Greek geographer, Strabo, pointed out two factors significant to the establishment of Petra as an urban settlement despite its arid desert environment. This paper concerning all the issues related to the water management in Petra. However, it starts by identification of Petra strategic location, followed by irrigation at Petra and storage of water. The Siq, which is the main entrance of Petra, is introduced for its importance role in managing the water during Nabataean period. Also this paper describes water management system used at Petra, this includes methods and controlling devices and all other sources utilised.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/11017
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