Mathematical Modeling of a Solar Passive Cooling System Using a Parabolic Concentrator

Ghassan M. Tashtoush, Omar R. Al Farah, Hazem H. Kawasmi


In this study a mathematical simulation of a system that is driven by a solar chimney equipped with Parabolic Solar Concentrator (PSC) in order to cool buildings by using an Evaporative Cooling Cavity (ECC). The Capability of the system to meet the standards and requirements has been considered in order for this study to be applicable in many fields (residential, industrial or agricultural). Mathematical modeling and simulation were performed to illustrate the effect of changing parameters regarding geometry and dimensions, ambient temperature, relative humidity, heat and mass transfer rate and others. The solar chimney has been designed by using parabolic solar concentrator to increase the efficiency of this system.The simulation showed that the system is capable of providing good temperature reduction even with low solar intensity (200 W/m²). It was found that the system could be used for residential and agricultural applications to provide thermal comfort conditions in hot air and dry climates.


Passive cooling; Parabolic solar concentrator; Evaporative; Air heater

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