Comparative Wind Simulation Studies of Different Urban Patterns in Hot Arid Region: Touristic Resort at Qarun Lake, Fayoum Region, Egypt

Amr Ali Bayoumi


Nowadays, it is considered that urban areas consume the bulk of vital natural and energy resources that raise concerns of environmental deterioration on different scales. Now, worldwide energy assessments indicate that improving the energy efficiency and sustainability of buildings, and urban communities could free-up enormous amounts of current energy expenses. Those energy fluxes and change of airflow that resulted from urban morphology can lead to phenomenon such as the urban heat island and convective rainfall initiation.In this research it initiates – Urban Fluid Mechanics (UFM) by using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools that delve into fundamental fluid flow problems of immediate utility for the development of resorts at Qarun lake in Egypt through a comparative study between different urban patterns through three main processes. Firstly, it starts by using of results from a mesoscale model to indicate the best place for building a wind turbine farm and to generate data for the microscale model of the urban canopy. Secondly, using qualitative modeling method for urban analysis that can evaluate the airflow conditions of the urban canopy in different seasons. Thirdly, making a comparative study between different urban patterns by changing a certain parameter. As a result from these three processes that qualitative simulation process will be of use for building and urban scale performance predictions as well as for the future simulation of pedestrian comfort. In this paper, it describes in detail one such approach, along with some sample results demonstrating the capabilities of this tool in Planning and urban design decisions, and raises questions as How Architects, Planners, Urban designers get advantages through using CFD method and its tools?, How can that method indicate the best places for renewable energy resources? and How can such ways of comparative studies can but a certain criteria for urban design in a certain zone?


The shading edges, Urban morphology, Land cover, CFD applications, Street canyon, Wind barrier, Livable city, Urban Fluid Mechanics (UFM)

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