Relationship Between Context Collapse and Regretted Self-Presentation on Instagram: The Mediating Role of Privacy Concern
Instagram, a primary visual sharing social networking site (SNS), provides users with a platform to strategically present themselves. Many individuals have encountered situations where they regretted their initial self-presentation efforts, leading to actions such as untagging, unfriending, or discontinuing their use of social media platforms. While prior research has explored the links between privacy concerns and regretted self-presentation on social media, a significant gap remains in our understanding of the concept of “context collapse” and the various ways regret can manifest in the online context. This study investigates the influence of context collapse on Instagram, specifically focusing on network size as a predictor of regretted self-presentation. Additionally, we explored the role of privacy concerns as potential mediators in these relationships. To gather data, we conducted an online survey involving 300 Instagram users who were undergraduate students, representing both private and public universities within the Klang area. Data analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics V.27. Our findings indicate that a larger network on Instagram positively predicts regretted self-presentation, with privacy concerns mediating this association. The outcomes of this research have significant implications, providing valuable insights for educational practitioners to design intervention programs aimed at reducing regret among SNS users. Additionally, it offers crucial insights for both SNS users and developers, shedding light on the intricate interplay between regret, context collapse, and privacy concern. Ultimately, this study furnishes empirical evidence concerning users’ regretted self-presentation on Instagram, highlighting the impact of SNS metrics and users’ cognitive factors on these regrettable instances.
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