Concise Adoption of Generic Business Strategies, Virtues for Accomplishing: Corporate Mission in Multinational Firms in Nigeria
This study considered the concise adoption of generic business strategies in the accomplishment of corporate mission in multinational firms in Nigeria. Several attributes based on the resource and competence-based theories and models informed the nature of the study. Quantitative explanatory cross-sectional design was adopted using primarily the structured instrument designed on a 5-point Likert scale. Probability and non-probability sampling techniques were engaged in sampling 275 respondents from the multinational firms.The data obtained were analyzed using both descriptive statistics and regression analysis. The findings revealed that the generic business strategies have signify cant predictors of corporate mission accomplishment. Findings also revealed that there was positive significant influence between concise generic business strategies and firms’ productivity.This paper recommended a mandatory and thorough environmental scanning in order to select the appropriate business stratagem to be implemented in achieving the precise aspects of the corporate mission.
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